FTP "Kadry", the theme “Obtaining and researching a model of the rectification process. Development of new simple optimal control methods to reduce energy consumption and improve the quality of products in distillation columns”
FTP "Kadry", the theme "Development of promising areas and the use of new achievements in nanochemistry, biotechnology and process control algorithms for the needs of the oil and gas industry: Research and control of the adsorption process"
The implementation of research, development, and technological work (R&D) on research “Materials for the development concept of an intelligent electric power system with an active-adaptive grid” in within the framework of the main agreement between “Unified energy network} and "NTC Electric Power Industry".
FTP "Kadry", the theme "Development of promising areas and the use of new achievements in nanochemistry, biotechnology and process control algorithms for the needs of the oil and gas industry: Research and control of the adsorption process”
FTP "Kadry", the theme “Development of Robust and Adaptive Control Systems for Dynamic Networks Taking into Account Transport and Communication Delays”
Program 02 of the OEMMPU RAS "Problems of managing the safety of energy and technical systems" (project 1.4: Control of network and interconnected technical systems according to stabilization criteria).
FTP "Kadry", the theme “Creation of algorithmic and software for robust and adaptive control of aerospace systems”
Participant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant "Adaptive control in stochastic networks with delay and data loss".
FTP "Kadry", the theme “Development of energy-saving hybrid control systems via the Internet for mobile devices for applications in mechanical engineering, transport, and education”
Program of the OEMMPU RAS "Analysis and optimization of the functioning of multilevel, intelligent and network control systems under uncertainty".
Participant of the Russian Science Foundation grant "Control of complex physical and technical systems"
Participant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant "Methods and algorithms for control of dynamical systems with time-delay under uncertainty".
Participant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant "Development of control algorithms for dynamic systems with delay and restrictions on phase variables".
Main participant of the Russian Science Foundation grant "Development of finite control methods for complex dynamic systems"
Participant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant "Oscillation Control Methods in Distributed and Nonsmooth Systems and Networks".
Participant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant "Development of methods and algorithms for optimal control of large-scale systems under conditions of uncertainty with application to the control of the rectification process".
Main participant of the Megagrant “Theoretical foundations of digitalization of analysis and synthesis of complex mechanical systems, networks and environments”
Participant of the Megagrant “Laboratory for Nonlinear Adaptive Control Systems”
Main participant of the Russian Science Foundation grant "Distributed training, optimization and control with application to large-scale intelligent energy and mechatronic systems"